Silent Night®

05/11/2018, by [email protected], in , 0 comments

Silent Night®

Habitual snoring can not only impact the quality of sleep that you are getting, it can sometimes be just plain annoying. If your snoring is affecting both you and your family, it may be time to search for treatment options. Silent Nite® is a corrective device that helps to prevent snoring and its adverse side effects.

Silent Nite® works by positioning the lower jaw forward. By doing this, the device increases the space in your airway tube and reduces air velocity. This simply means that there is more space and less sound vibration, which can completely stop your snoring. It consists of an upper and lower splint that is custom-made to fit comfortably on your teeth. The splints themselves are soft for comfort, made out of a hard outer layer for durability.

While snoring may be thought of as merely an annoyance, it can actually be very serious. When you are consistently snoring, your sleep cycle (and likely the cycles of those around you as well) is interrupted. When you are snoring, you are struggling to breathe. This can lead to bodily complications such as high blood pressure which can lead to other issues such as increasing your risk of having a stroke.

If you are sick of waking up after a night of sleep and not feeling rested or living with someone with aggressive snoring patterns, Silent Nite® may be for you. Come see us today to see if Silent Nite® can get rid of your snoring and you get your sleep schedule back on track. 

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Fabulous! Great Staff all the way around. Dr Van Huffel and her staff are patient and courteous even when working with challenging situations.

-Mariah H.

Customer service is such a forgotten art. But at Dr. Van Huffel’s office they not only understand customer service, but have raised the level of service to an extremely high level.

-William S.

Dr. Van Huffel's knowledge and skill is excellent and her integrity is above reproach. Her staff is friendly, efficient and professional. She is one of the reasons I chose Columbus for my retirement home.

-Ben B.

Dr. Maria Van Huffel, DDS

Meet Our Dentist

Dr. Maria Van Huffel

Dr. Van Huffel began her practice in 1995 with a clear vision and a desire to improve as many patients’ lives as possible. Twenty years later, she’s still following her principles and providing a warm, inviting place where children and adults alike can feel safe. With her dedicated staff by her side, she’s happy to be maintaining a quality approach to care that involves gentleness, compassion, and exceptional levels of success. She can’t wait to welcome you as her newest patient!

Dr. Maria Van Huffel, DDS Signature